Today would have been my son Donnavon's 33rd birthday, so my BJP square this month is all about him.
Donnavon's favorite color was purple, which always seemed a bit disconcerting to me, as he usually wore dark colors, jeans, carharts and so on. But I do remember that at his junior prom he rented and proudly wore a purple tux! His birthstone was the amethyst; maybe that had something to do with his favorite color choice. Scattered throughout the beadwork on this square are faceted amethyst rondelles.
Donnavon was an avid fisherman and he was very good at it, even as a young boy. I remember one camping trip to the Russian River on the Kenai. There were a dozen or so adult men on the river bank; no one was catching much of anything as we approached. Donnavon threw in his line and almost immediately pulled out a salmon. The men scowled and I'm sure thought 'beginner's luck.' In no time Donnavon had caught his limit; disgusted, the unsuccessful adult men wandered away, hoping for a change in luck upon return. So, Donnavon and his brother spent some time swimming in the river and harvesting hooks/lures that had been lost by other fisherman! The red hook on this square was hand-tied by Donnavon, a special rig that he swore by.
Today family, friends and relatives will celebrate his birthday with a get-together featuring favorite foods: lasagna, shoyu chicken, rainbow-chip birthday cake, and cookies 'n cream ice cream. Donnavon didn't care for vegetables, except fresh ones, so there will be a big green salad also. Donnavon would have loved it!
Jeanette Shanigan